Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yet Another Closing Date

I know I promised you guys updates on my awesome weekend, but I'm still sick, and don't feel like it yet. Soon, though!
I just wanted to hop on and let you know that our closing date for this weekend has fallen through yet again. The new date is February 12th. I got my way! *Liz laughs with maniacal glee whilst rubbing her hands together sinisterly*
The Almighty Liz


timpani76 said...

You're sick because you're evil, you know that right? ;)

Renae said...

I hope that evil laugh doesn't come back and bite you in the butt. They aren't obligated to buy that mess from you. Love you!

lizS said...

it totally wasn't any of my doing, the date being changed. totally somebody else in the finance area of this deal's decision. they couldn't finish everything by this friday, so they moved it to feb 12th. just because i rejoice at this news doesn't make me evil, nor does it make me the culprit. plus, i really am rather sick, and driving to peoria when they had yet another ice storm and are buried in several feet of ice and snow and there's more on the way this weekend just doesn't appeal, so of course i'm happy we're not going this weeekend. and second, after the way i've been treated, i do believe i deserve a little retribution. they can deal with a higher interest rate; they earned it.

lizS said...

i just had a phone call with my renters, and now i even MORE glad they're getting a higher interest rate. these people are class A jerks.

Mary said...

Woah. I realize that everyone may not realize the extent of the crud these people have put Liz through, but seriously - give her a break. After all that these snot-rags have put her though, if God sees fit to punish them with a higher interest rate, then there's no reason that she shouldn't be allowed to be a little big smug about it.