Well, how's was everyone's Halloween? Ours was great!! Not only did we have our awesome Haunted Treasure Hunt party at our house, but we had a Trunk or Treat with our fabulous new Ward at church, Jonni got to go on her very first field trip this week to a pumpkin farm and she had her very first Halloween parade at school (I forgot my camera!!), and apparently our neighborhood is
the place to trick or treat in town. Seriously, John took the kids whilst I stayed home to man the fort, and I barely got to sit down, the doorbell rang so much! I actually ran out of candy. In an
hour. And I wasn't givin' it away by the handful either. Once I saw how many kids were out there, I was only giving a piece or two at a time. I've never ran out before, much less in that short a time! Also, John said the whole neighborhood really gets into it. Lots of decorations, and tons of people out on their porches to hand out candy, instead of inside their houses. Needless to say, when the kids got home from their forays, their little trick or treat pumpkins were super heavy and overflowing. So much fun!! (and OHHHH, the candy rush!!) I did manage to get a few pics of the eventful evening, and the pumpkins we carved this year.

Here's the pumpkin Jonni got to bring home from her field trip to the farm. John helped her carve it.

Here's the pumpkin John brought home from work. They had a pumpkin carving contest, isn't that cool? We so love his new job. The pumpkin was supposed to be a scary leech-like alien thing, but I think it turned out being a happy looking smiley face. Funny!

Here's Jonni in her costume; she was a bat. I made the costume myself, despite having no sewing skills whatsoever. My friend Elise did help sew on one of the wings with her sewing machine, but everything else was me.

Here they both are, triumphant in their spoils. Erik wanted to be a pumpkin monster. I let him pick out everything in his costume. It was the easiest I've ever done. Sweat suit and mask. I love that kid.
So, I hope everyone had as good a Halloween as we did. John is already planning for next year. With this enthusiastic a neighborhood, he's brewing elaborate plans indeed. Good times for all!
The Almighty Liz
I have no plans! Geesh! ;)
I'm kindo glad halloween is over. We just have WAY too much candy around here. We could all put on 50 lbs and slip into diabetic comas. I like hw too, but the glutony is going to kill me.
We did not trick or treat just because the Edwardsville Halloween Parade always sends us home with two bags on candy. Maybe we'll come trick or treat in y'all's neighborhood next year!
Nice pumpkins! And I can't believe how big your kids are getting...
Cool pumpkins! I like the sideways one! We didn't manage to do any this year. Maybe I'll get some and do them late. I wonder if you can still buy them. They should be pretty cheap, if you can.
i do love halloween. in some ways i am looking forward to when my kids dont go trick or treating. the reason is that i want to torment and scair the crap out of all the kids who come to my house. my goal will be to see how many kids i can get to not come to get candy from me because they are to afraid and might pee down their leg.
Im just waiting till Liz agrees to take the kids out instead of me!
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