This is how it went;
The kids arrived and I gave them the first clue; a piece of a treasure map. They had to use that piece to find the other pieces hidden in the graveyard (our backyard) and other places to find the witch that would tell them where they needed to go and who to talk to in order to find the treasure, while avoiding the Grim Reaper who was making his rounds in the field behind the graveyard. They then had to then go through the haunted house (our garage) by passing through the mad scientist's laboratory (our library) to get to the ghost who hid the treasure who would then tell them where he buried it. The kids did pretty well with only marginal help from adults. Meanwhile, the adults kicked back and had some dinner in the house (not the haunted part). I made chili (which everyone but Todd thought was too hot!) and potato soup. It was loads of good fun, although if we do it next year, I won't be feeding everyone again. Too much work on top of all the other preparations!! And now for the pics!
This is John after all the activity. He looks a little tired and sweaty doesn't he? I can't imagine why....

So that concludes the Great Sever Haunted Treasure Hunt. We had a blast doing it, and I hope everyone had a blast attending!!
The Almighty Liz
I like that picture of me. I look goooood.
I like the picture of my backside, which is really my best side ;)
Aww, that sounds like a ton of fun! I'm really disappointed that we couldn't come. We'll have to make a way to come next year! The makeup of Todd was awesome, and that pic of John, though icky and sweaty looks rather pleased! :) Glad you had a good time.
i didn't even notice your backside timpani!! and yes, your little clan was sorely missed, mary.
A good time was had by all!
i have showed that pic of todd to several people and few have known who it was
Good grief! You don't do anything by halves, do you?! That sounds like the kind of party you should charge admission to!!! :-)
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