Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm So Excited!!

Our new sleep number mattress is coming on WEDNESDAY!! Two more nights and then, hopefully, I can get a good night's sleep....
Oh, and I ended up getting a 4 inch, 3 lb density memory foam topper for the new mattress, and it should be here this week as well. My giddiness is immeasurable!
The Almighty Liz


Cassi :) said...

oooh, that's sounds divine! Definitely jealous! My mom won't even sleep on my mattress when she visits, she calls it the Iron Maiden . . .

lizS said...

lol! ours is not much better, i'm guessing. and our memory foam topper came TODAY!! so i can try it out for the next couple of nights before our sleep number bed gets here, huzzah!! i laid on it just to see if it would make a difference, and promptly fell asleep, lol! so yeah, i think it makes a difference. ;)

Dana Cheryl said...

wow!! there's something in the air... my parents just ordered a sleep number bed a couple of days ago. they're pretty psyched too. i've been helping them rearrange their room today. (they're going from a queen to a king size.)

so happy that so many of my peeps are gonna get a great night's sleep!! :)

Dana Cheryl said...

how was your first night on the new sleep number??