Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Okay, if you go back around a year, you'll remember that Erik used to ask me, at least daily but more often several times a day, if he could be a pumpkin when he grew up. This lasted a really long time, but did fade away after awhile. Now he has a new thing that he tells me everyday, and here it is:
"Mom, you're not stupid, you're smart, and I love you."
Several times a day people. I'm not sure if someone told him I was stupid and he feels the need to counteract this negativity with as much positive reinforcement as possible, or what, but it always gives me the giggles.
The Almighty Liz

1 comment:

timpani76 said...

John probably taught him to say it, to boost your self esteem. Who needs one of those self esteem cds when you have a 4 year old to say it to you all day?