So, I have red bell pepper plants in pots on my front porch. They are very fruitful with several peppers to each plant. Unfortunately, this makes them top heavy. I have already staked them both so they don't fall over, but one of them is persisting. So I decided to stake it again, from a different side. This required a stick. I have many in my backyard. I went in search, but didn't get very far because somewhere in stepping off the four inches or so from my back porch to the turf there was a disconnect in my body, and I stepped completely wrong, resulting in an ankle that twisted in at least two different directions and made all kinds of fun popping and cracking noises. Fortunately, I was on the phone with my best friend, Mary, so all I had to do was drag my bones to the phone and call John to come rescue me, instead of yelling myself bloody hoping the kids inside the house hear me sometime in the next 100 years or so. After a trip a Urgent care clinic (our third in three weeks, once for Erik's staples, once to get them removed, and now this--they are going to totally know us by site before we're done, I'm sure), it has been determined that it is more than likely not broken, although it is being sent to a special X-ray person to make 100% sure, but it is very nastily sprained at the very least. It might also have some tearing of tendons and ligaments going on, but we will determine that with a foot doctor in a week if I'm not much better by then.
The Almighty Liz
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Weekly Report
It's been an up and down week Erik Land. A week ago today, Erik's big sister pushed him down resulting in a big gash on his poor little head requiring four staples. The next day saw Erik baffing yet again, this time escaping with only a split lip. The following day was much the same, Erik bonked and earned himself a scraped and bruised nose. He got his staples out today, so that was good, except it hurt almost as much as getting them in, he tells me. On the up side, he has finally...*drumroll*...
GONE PEEPEE IN THE POTTY!! First time ever last night! Twice today, and counting! By Jove, I think he's got it! (I hope I hope I hope...)
This report given by,
The Almighty Liz
GONE PEEPEE IN THE POTTY!! First time ever last night! Twice today, and counting! By Jove, I think he's got it! (I hope I hope I hope...)
This report given by,
The Almighty Liz
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Beach Vacation!!
Well, I got back l-a-t-e on Sunday night/Monday morning, exhausted, a little sick of my (new!) car, but totally happy. This girls' road trip totally lived up to all my expectations. I had so much fun, that this will unequivocally be an annual thing from now on, and absolutely essential to my happiness. ;)
We started off a little late (I overslept--I know, big surprise, right?), but well. We made it all the way to the foothills of the Appalachians without mishap, where I had a panic attack. Why? I have no idea except that maybe I hate the mountains more than even I thought, lol! And I do, truly, loathe the mountains. It only lasted a couple of minutes and then it was smooth sailing all the way to Mary's house! We got in at a decent time, had a little dinner, and went to bed. The next morning we were all up bright but not so early, but on the road in fairly good time to check into our hotel and be on the beach that evening. Two minutes down the road, my (new!) car died on us. We all looked at each other with 'what the crap?!' expressions on our faces, and nursed it into the parking lot of a dental office, which I found ironic, being as I'm a former dental assistant. We jumped out of the car, and opened the hood, and as I am in no way familiar with the Envoy's inner workings, could come to no conclusion. As we came back around the car, however, the problem became blarringly apparent. We were sitting in a humongous puddle of gasoline!!! More 'what the CRAP?!' expressions, and then we settled into calling in reinforcements. Thank goodness I brought a cell phone!! Mary's husband booked it out to us with his two kids in tow, and with a few maneuverings, I was settled at Mary's looking for a mechanic and a tow truck, while Mary, Timpani, Mary's husband and father and mother in law all tried to make what they could of what the FLIP was wrong with my (new!) car, which I hadn't even owned for two weeks at that point. Mary's father in law has some knowledge of cars, and determined that the fuel line had become detached, but could not locate the detachment, or why it became so, or how to fix it. He spied a mechanic across the street, strolled over and asked if they could just come look at it and tell us if it was going to be a major (ie expensive and time consuming) thing or not. They complied, and actually fixed it in five minutes for the grand total of $10!!! Hurray! It turns out that a connection had simply come loose, and they simply snapped it back on. We were back in business!! No more mishaps presented themselves, and in four or so short hours we arrived at our destination; Savannah, Georgia!! We checked ourselves in to our GORGEOUS room, which was on the third floor where we could over look the courtyard with the pool and jacuzzi house from our very own balcony!! It was a ginormous room with two queen beds, a mini fridge and microwave! We were totally in love with it! After we dropped our stuff off, we went to eat as we were completely starving by then. It was too late to hit the beach, but we did do a little shopping at the mall conveniently located a mere three blocks from our hotel. Then we did a little exploring, and crashed. The rest of this is better told through pics, of which I took a couple hundred, so I'll let them do most of the explaining. There were just a couple of stories that are not photographed; Timpani getting save by super-hot life guards, Diego the waiter, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Preston with her husband John Travolta actually on Tybee Island while we were there shooting Miley's new movie, and we actually passed them taping on the highway!!, the totally ostentatious yellow Lamborghini that cut us off....but one thing I want to tell about that I didn't get pics of was the last disaster to befall us on our vacation. Timpani and I had successfully dropped Mary off at home, and were headed there ourselves. We were somewhere in Kentucky, (and here's a shout out to Dana--you live in a fantastically beautiful state woman!), I think a few miles west of Paducah, when an ambulance came screaming up behind us. Timpani was driving, and dutifully started to ease over onto the shoulder when BAM!! One of our (brand-new!!) tires blew!!!! We found the culprit; a sharp metal hubcap cover which tore a huge chuck out of the tire. We cursed the thing roundly, and started trying to figure out where the heck my jack was, and how on earth we were supposed to get at the spare tire under the car. I had just called John for advice/support when a supremely kind soul stopped to offer assistance. He not only knew how to get my spare, and where my jack was located (under the back seat of all weirdness, and getting at the spare is no picnic, it's totally tricksy), he changed the tire for us!! Bless his sweet heart, and his wife and kids for allowing him to stop!! We had no further adventures all the rest of the way home, and I'll tell you something: I will be able to handle anything dished at me for any other road trip I go on. For sure. (not to tempt fate or anything, lol!!)
We started off a little late (I overslept--I know, big surprise, right?), but well. We made it all the way to the foothills of the Appalachians without mishap, where I had a panic attack. Why? I have no idea except that maybe I hate the mountains more than even I thought, lol! And I do, truly, loathe the mountains. It only lasted a couple of minutes and then it was smooth sailing all the way to Mary's house! We got in at a decent time, had a little dinner, and went to bed. The next morning we were all up bright but not so early, but on the road in fairly good time to check into our hotel and be on the beach that evening. Two minutes down the road, my (new!) car died on us. We all looked at each other with 'what the crap?!' expressions on our faces, and nursed it into the parking lot of a dental office, which I found ironic, being as I'm a former dental assistant. We jumped out of the car, and opened the hood, and as I am in no way familiar with the Envoy's inner workings, could come to no conclusion. As we came back around the car, however, the problem became blarringly apparent. We were sitting in a humongous puddle of gasoline!!! More 'what the CRAP?!' expressions, and then we settled into calling in reinforcements. Thank goodness I brought a cell phone!! Mary's husband booked it out to us with his two kids in tow, and with a few maneuverings, I was settled at Mary's looking for a mechanic and a tow truck, while Mary, Timpani, Mary's husband and father and mother in law all tried to make what they could of what the FLIP was wrong with my (new!) car, which I hadn't even owned for two weeks at that point. Mary's father in law has some knowledge of cars, and determined that the fuel line had become detached, but could not locate the detachment, or why it became so, or how to fix it. He spied a mechanic across the street, strolled over and asked if they could just come look at it and tell us if it was going to be a major (ie expensive and time consuming) thing or not. They complied, and actually fixed it in five minutes for the grand total of $10!!! Hurray! It turns out that a connection had simply come loose, and they simply snapped it back on. We were back in business!! No more mishaps presented themselves, and in four or so short hours we arrived at our destination; Savannah, Georgia!! We checked ourselves in to our GORGEOUS room, which was on the third floor where we could over look the courtyard with the pool and jacuzzi house from our very own balcony!! It was a ginormous room with two queen beds, a mini fridge and microwave! We were totally in love with it! After we dropped our stuff off, we went to eat as we were completely starving by then. It was too late to hit the beach, but we did do a little shopping at the mall conveniently located a mere three blocks from our hotel. Then we did a little exploring, and crashed. The rest of this is better told through pics, of which I took a couple hundred, so I'll let them do most of the explaining. There were just a couple of stories that are not photographed; Timpani getting save by super-hot life guards, Diego the waiter, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Preston with her husband John Travolta actually on Tybee Island while we were there shooting Miley's new movie, and we actually passed them taping on the highway!!, the totally ostentatious yellow Lamborghini that cut us off....but one thing I want to tell about that I didn't get pics of was the last disaster to befall us on our vacation. Timpani and I had successfully dropped Mary off at home, and were headed there ourselves. We were somewhere in Kentucky, (and here's a shout out to Dana--you live in a fantastically beautiful state woman!), I think a few miles west of Paducah, when an ambulance came screaming up behind us. Timpani was driving, and dutifully started to ease over onto the shoulder when BAM!! One of our (brand-new!!) tires blew!!!! We found the culprit; a sharp metal hubcap cover which tore a huge chuck out of the tire. We cursed the thing roundly, and started trying to figure out where the heck my jack was, and how on earth we were supposed to get at the spare tire under the car. I had just called John for advice/support when a supremely kind soul stopped to offer assistance. He not only knew how to get my spare, and where my jack was located (under the back seat of all weirdness, and getting at the spare is no picnic, it's totally tricksy), he changed the tire for us!! Bless his sweet heart, and his wife and kids for allowing him to stop!! We had no further adventures all the rest of the way home, and I'll tell you something: I will be able to handle anything dished at me for any other road trip I go on. For sure. (not to tempt fate or anything, lol!!)

Our pool!
Our Jacuzzi house!

We did a little shopping and trying on of things, and we couldn't get this dress, but doesn't Mary look HAWT?!

The trees with all their Spanish moss gorgeousness!!
Here's a park we saw on the way to Tybee Island. Beautiful!!
We crossed over lots of rivers and tributaries on our drive to Tybee. They were so different than the Mississippi River, all wandering and curvy...

More beautiful!

We did some shopping on our last day, and saw this maniquinn with the ginormous bazoongas. I, of course, HAD to get a pic with it, lol!
This is Timpani and I leaving Mary and heading home. A little redder, a little tireder, but happier by an inconceivable amount.
So who's coming next year??! ;)
The Almighty Liz
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
So, many of you are wondering if I've been sick again because of my lack of postage, but I haven't been (which in and of itself is fantastic news), I've been busy. With what?, you ask? What could possibly take precedence over my precious blog?
I have been getting ready for a girls' roadtrip with a couple of my best girlfriends, who frequent and participate in this very blogosphere, Timpani and Mary!! Where are we going? TO THE OCEAN!! I have never seen the ocean, and I'm so excited that I can't sit still for more than a second or two!! I will tell you our destination when I get back, so my many stalkers (I know you're out there!!) can't find me there. I gotta get back to the many preparations necessary to make it out of here tomorrow at a decent time, but when next I post, I will make it plenty long, and stuffed with pictures!
The Almighty Liz
ps I totally can't believe I'm actually doing this!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
I have been getting ready for a girls' roadtrip with a couple of my best girlfriends, who frequent and participate in this very blogosphere, Timpani and Mary!! Where are we going? TO THE OCEAN!! I have never seen the ocean, and I'm so excited that I can't sit still for more than a second or two!! I will tell you our destination when I get back, so my many stalkers (I know you're out there!!) can't find me there. I gotta get back to the many preparations necessary to make it out of here tomorrow at a decent time, but when next I post, I will make it plenty long, and stuffed with pictures!
The Almighty Liz
ps I totally can't believe I'm actually doing this!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
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