Monday, June 22, 2009

Turtles, Pumpkins, and More!

Okay, so I've been MIA again. I was sick, but I've been well for a couple of weeks now, mostly. Why have I neglected my blog babies? Because the task of updating you has been so daunting!!! There has been much going on, and some of it bad, but that's all taken care of, so I'm not reliving all of that. Here are some fun things going on;
Everyday, several times a day, Erik asks me this question:
"Mommy, can I be a pumpkin when I grow up?" I'm not sure what he means. Does he mean literally be a pumpkin? Does he want to grow pumpkins? Or is he just making sure I will love him no matter what he decides to be? Who knows, but I get a kick out of it every time he asks. He's such a funny boy.

We have turtles in our yard. This is a never ending source of enjoyment and amusement for everyone. Finally, since we couldn't decide if we were seeing one turtle over and over, or lots of them, we decided to start marking them.

And we haven't seen one since.

And now for the BIG news....*drumroll*...

WE'RE GETTING A NEW CAR!!!!!!! Well, new to us. We test drove it on Saturday, and we LOVE it!!! I don't have pics yet, but as soon as I do, you will be seeing way more of my car than you could want, but I can't help myself. It's gorgeous! Also, it's my blog. Anyway, it's a 2005 GMC Envoy, which is a five passenger SUV, so you can google it if you want the general idea. It's silver, with a black leather interior, and it's pretty loaded. I adore it. It's big enough for our family, lots of space to stretch out in, but not too much. It's got room to haul stuff for projects (finish the basement anyone? huzzah!), but it handles like a car. And just in time for my ROADTRIP TO THE BEACH coming up next month!!! Oh, my little cup runneth SO OVER!
The Almighty Liz


timpani76 said...


lizS said...

you betcher bootie!!!!!!

Renae said...

Yay for new cars!

Dana Cheryl said...

That's so exciting! Yay new car.

It's just like a turtle to go MIA after you went to all the work of tagging the little sucker. I feel for those biologist out there trying to track turtles. lol

OK the pumpkin thing is just so cute! Like you I've gotta wonder what's going on in his creative little mind.