I worked out on Saturday a week ago. A real good one too. Lifting, and the exercise bike. Then we had some friends over for a birthday. That was loads of fun. I went errand running with the wife of the family (Timpani) which including mundane things like groceries, and fun things like finding a present for my dad, whose birthday party we were attending the next day. That took three hours, and then we went back home and had dinner, and then banished the kids downstairs to watch a movie, and indulged in birthday cheesecake. (**side note** our little mom and pop grocery store is just around the corner from us, and they make the best pies and cheesecake ever. We are going to get sooooo fat) We rounded the evening off by cleaning up the vomit of our friends' little girl. Our house did not agree with her, apparently. We'll have to try again soon though. You never know, she might have outgrown her allergy by then.
I woke up Sunday feeling just a bit low, but I figured, hey, I've been doing so well, I'm not going to worry about it. We went to my dad's B-day party, and had a good time. I ended up making him a shirt, sort of. I couldn't come up with any really good ideas, so Timpani and I sort of just wandered around every store in town for awhile, waiting for inspiration to hit. I found a little owl patch. (my dad collects owls because of a boyscout thing called Woodbadge, or something like that. The owl was his group's totem animal) I thought, hmmm, I could sew this to something, and that would make an okay present. So I began looking at things, and since my dad also loves to barbeque, I thought an apron would be good. Those are way pricey, so then I thought a nice polo shirt would also work well, so that's what I went with. I chose navy blue because it looks good on my dad, and he doesn't have a whole lot of that color in his wardrobe. It turns out blue is his Woodbadge group's color too, so that worked out super great! He liked the shirt, and I forced him to put it on so I could take a picture. He hates having his pic taken with a fierce and undying passion, so this proves he really does love me. We had a good time at the party, and came home a little late, but not too bad.
I woke up on Monday feeling atrocious. Sore throat, cough, horribly congested...I was miserable. No fever though, so that was super good. That usually means it's not a Rheumatic Fever relapse. I just felt like a three day old corpse for all of last week. Erik got it for a day, and John came down with it yesterday, but I am definitely on the mend. Instead of a corpse, now I only feel like a wrung out dishrag. Definitely an improvement. Oh, and Jonni has an ear infection. Didn't burst her eardrum this time, so thank all that is holy for small miracles.
Whilst we were at my parents' for the party, I had my brother in law snap a couple of family pictures of our little branch for a school assignment of Jonni's. I thought they turned really stinkin' good, and I'm gonna send it to Wally world and get a bigger print and frame it and stick it on my wall. I put the best shot in this post so you all can see. It took him about five minutes with my little point and shoot camera. He really has some talent in this area don't you think?
So, all in all, that was my last week and half. Oh, and the car is still running just fine. *sigh*
The Almighty Liz

Great shot of your little family!!! You look great, and I would guess you were actually wearing a little make up, because you look that great. Jonni & Erik both look cute, and John was actually not wearing a cheesy camera smile like he usually does.
Not quite his natural smile, but almost.
I'm also really glad your dad liked his gift! Isn't it worth it to hunt around like that if you actually do find the perfect gift?
Sounds like you had fun, so the sickness afterward was worth it?? I would think so. Anything in the name of fun! I can't wait for you guys to come to Nauvoo!!! Is the whole fam coming?
thanks timpani! and i totally made/persuaded john to not wear anything ratty and slobbish too. and seriously, no make up. i was shocked myself. apollo said the lighting was just amazingly good. and yeah, he actually looooooved his gift! it was so cool to watch him light up when he saw it! totally worth the hunt! and collista, the jury is still out on whether or not the two days of fun was worth the ten and counting days of misery....
oh yeah, and the whole family is coming you bet! renae and bruce and their brood, and the parents and trent and ashley and todd and his wife suzanne. should be...interesting, lol!
hey liz, i think i remember you from the early days of o'fallon stake institute when you were going to siue. i always knew who your dad was but i never made the connection. i found you commenting on my "blue state" reference in nikki's blog. how many illinoisans will it take to turn the state red this november? can we do it? thanks for the idea.
hey jello! um, well yes to the stake institute, but i never went to siue. my husband did though, and while we were dating even. hmmmm, not knowing your real name, and the picture being somewhat tiny, i can't say as i'm placing you very well. and i think it will take every man woman and child to turn the state red! which is why every vote counts, of course. i think that everyone thinks, ah it's inevitable, so why vote? because your vote could be the one to turn us red!! that's why!! okay, soap box over.
Wow, if only I could look so good with no makeup. *sigh* Darn blond eyelashes! I'm glad you're feeling like a wrung out dishrag instead of a corpse. Hope you feel like a Liz soon. Love ya!
You have a way cute little family, Liz!
and one hot husband, don't forget, lisa! and thanks mary. like i said, i was shocked. still am.
oh i still vote, but its going to be blue any way. and liz you live in missouri, which will prob be red but is a bit of a battle ground state. are you registered in mo? i bet you havent yet. and i love to give gifts, but am always so broke i cant get anny thing good.
thanks for telling everyone where i live bruce, and i know, but i still think of myself as an illinoian. i've only lived here for a few months, after all. and we are going to vote absentee, i think.
Way cute picture! I love those little surprises when they turn out great.
Nauvoo... Sounds like a good time. I wish I could go. :)
Finally, I get to see what Liz and her family look like! Yay!
Great picture and I'm so glad that you're feeling better!
Liz, Missouri is a big-ish state. It's okay if people know you live in MO, that still leaves plenty of territory for them to search before they find you and your pretty little family. And they'd have to be decently determined to really go after you.
thanks dana and trisha! and lol mary! i guess you have a point. sort of.
Yes! Fall is wonderful! Love your family pic!
you better check into the absentee thing. i dont think you can just be absent becuse you have a new residence. i think you have to register again. the only thing that might save you is that you still own the other house. but i dont know because you have changed you mailing address. you better ask to make sure.
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