Well, it occurs to me today that I haven't posted pics of my adorable children in quite some time. So here are some. They are a little old because the batteries are dead in our camera, and I haven't been well enough to make it to the store on my own. But, since the pictures are of my children, they are timeless:

Just for every one's information, we haven't found a place to live for our new job yet. This is frustrating to me as we are supposed to move in like two-and-a-half weeks. Did you know that rent is so high in Missouri that we might actually have to
buy a house because it is cheaper? What kind of a whacked state is that? I knew Illinois was the best...
The Almighty Liz
Good looking kids.Erik looks like Jonni in this shot to me.
He does look like Jonni! I thought they were two pics of Jonni at first, until I saw the blond blond hair.
Cute kids! You would think you two both being so good looking, you would cancel each other out and you would have mutant freaks.
Feel better soon! Can't wait to see you all!
How ya feelin' Liz? So what's the new j-o-b? Catch me up on all the news... I've been out of it for so long.
Love ya!
oh, i'm getting there. we finally got me all diagnosed up; it turns out i had rheumatic fever, which is nothing to mess with. i'll be blogging about incompetent doctors soon. john's new job is much better than the last one, money and insurance wise. he'll be working on gas pumps, which is funny, although i can't explain why. i'll shoot ya an email on all the particulars, i don't want all that floating around in cyber space! good to have you back man, we missed you!
btw, how goes your health issues dana? how are you doing?
Wow Liz! Rheumatic fever! How did you come by that? Like what ARE the chances... A person's probably just as likely to win the lottery as to come down with that! To bad ya don't play. ;)
Yeah send me an e-mail I want to be in the know. I'm hoping this means it'll be easier for me to see ya when I'm driving through. Peoria was hard for me to get to.
I'm doing great compared to where I was a few months ago. I feel like a new person. Everything seems to be in working order. I'll give ya more details when I reply to your e-mail.
Yeah, I looked up rheumatic fever. There is only a 3% chance of an untreated strep infection turning into RF. Don't you feel lucky? Have they ruled out any heart valve problems resulting from this?
I'll see you in a little under two weeks and I will take your house by storm! Don't lift a finger! What's the fun of cleaning if it's not really dirty?
yeah, i had an echocardiogram, and the doc said there was no permanent damage done, but that as soon as i'm feeling strong enough, i need to get on my cardio and strengthen my heart. and this is a permanent weakness i have now. i have to be just super careful about getting sick from now on, and especially in the next couple of months. and don't worry, there's plenty for an army to do in my house!
Call me crazy but I wish that I lived closer so I could clean with ya'll... I think that would be fun! Man I'm desperate for girl time!!!
okay, you're crazy! but, i mean this could just be me, but isn't it easier to clean someone else's house? maybe cause you don't see it messed up again five minutes later or something...
You are sooooo right! I love cleaning other people's homes. Mine not so much... However because I have a big dog cleaning is a priority in my life. It must be done!
Plus group cleaning is just so much more fun. I'd love to hang out of Timpani and you and clean and talk and order pizza. :)
Maybe the next time I'm in town we can get together and go around cleaning everyone's houses. Yours, Timpani's, Renae's, Suzanne's... Sounds like a good time to me. Or we could get the guys to babysit and all go out to the movies & dinner.
i vote for movies and dinner! hurrah for girls' nights!
has anyone notices that since dana got back in the game, we are all som much more chatty? my comments have like more than doubled on this one post alone since she logged back on. three cheers for dana!
don't for get us men like to help too. i have volentered my time tallents and abilities to you all for this project. and don't over look my butt. i work out all the time and reaping burns a lot of calleries.
oh yeah bruce, you might get some elders quorum help on saturday. there's a lady in my ward of whom i swallowed my pride and accepted her offer for help, and she is a doer!! very organized, very motivated. so, hopefully, with the extra help (if anyone shows up) you all can knock it all out that day. wouldn't that be wonderful?
Aw shucks... Ya'll like me. Ya'll really like me. :) Yeah I'm all for girl's night! We could go out while the elder's quorum did the work. We'd be doing them a great favor helping them all become more physically fit while they male bond!
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