Thursday, April 17, 2008

Feeling Random

Well, it occurs to me today that I haven't posted pics of my adorable children in quite some time. So here are some. They are a little old because the batteries are dead in our camera, and I haven't been well enough to make it to the store on my own. But, since the pictures are of my children, they are timeless:

Just for every one's information, we haven't found a place to live for our new job yet. This is frustrating to me as we are supposed to move in like two-and-a-half weeks. Did you know that rent is so high in Missouri that we might actually have to buy a house because it is cheaper? What kind of a whacked state is that? I knew Illinois was the best...
The Almighty Liz

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Big BIG News

Okay everyone, this will sad and hard for some, and for others, please restrain your cheering and jumping. We don't want to alarm anyone in the neighborhood.
John and I were offered, and we have accepted, a job in the St. Louis area. Our start date is Tuesday May 6th, which means we have about a month left in the Peoria area.
It was a really good offer, and a really good job, so we are very happy and excited, although we will sorely miss the friends we have made while living in this area. Keep in touch! I will continue with my blogging, so that is one very easy way to keep up!
Anyone who is willing will be totally welcome to throw us a party. We wouldn't mind at all. Really.
So wish us luck in this new adventure, and we wish you all the best in the days to come!
The Almighty Liz

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yay Me!

Well, before I get to the good stuff, let me tell you a few things about my morning;
I got ready to take Jonni to pre-school to the accompaniment of Erik banging on the piano and belting out Jingle Bells at the very loudest volume he could muster. As I was enjoying this little bit of richness in my life, Jonni comes tripping down the stairs with a pair of shorts and a halter top in her hand. "What's that?", I asked to which she replied that it was her outfit for school that day. I gently explained that it is still to cold for that particular ensemble, to which she riposted "But mom! The sun is out!" However, even though I too am chomping at the bit for shorts weather, I made her switch to jeans and a t-shirt, but only after much assurance that summer's coming soon, I promise.
Okay, and now onto my news!! Well, as you all know, I joined a community choir in January, and our concert is on May 4th. (bonus info; that's my anniversary! six years, baby, and here's hoping for at least an eternity more) What many of you also know, but some don't, is that I actually got up the nerve to try out for a solo. That's right, you read it correctly. A solo. I have never, ever done a solo before, I am far and away too chicken. But I did it! Aaaaaand, I got the results yesterday, *drumroll*, I didn't get it. BUT!!!, before you get to depressed at missing the opportunity to hear my dulcet tones displayed for all to hear, I DID get another part!! I got a part in a quartet! So I didn't totally suck!! I'm am horribly disproportionately excited about this. That means, of course, that if you haven't gotten tickets from me yet (shame, SHAME on you), and you don't have a good excuse (ie you are not pregnant like my gorgeous sister and sister-in-law), then you best get them now, because you do NOT want to miss this one! If you have no way of contacting me, then post a comment, and I will find you! YEEHAW! This is one for books, folks!
The Almighty and Astoundingly, Limitlessly Talented Liz