So, John and I have been very industrious as of late, and I've decided to brag.

I hung pictures! My bro-in-law, Apollo, did our family pics and some individual shots. You can view more of his work at:
He's awesome.
Lotion! I've been working my fingers to the bone! I've had a lot of traffic and orders to fill, and lots of new projects as well. My newest project is a face mask, which I am wearing as we speak. It's amazing, and I love it.
This is the closet that John built in our basement next to the washer and dryer. It was desperately needed, as we were hanging all of our clothes on the water pipe since there wasn't enough room in our
minuscule closets, eek! Didn't he do a great job?!

This is the other side of the closet. Now we have a cozy little sleeping area for guests!

This is the biggest project. I didn't take before pics because I didn't think of it, so take a moment and imagine all of those toys covering every square inch of the floor OF MY ENTIRE HOUSE. Now, they are
categorized and
tidily put into clear bins and tucked onto those shelves.
Aaaaah, now doesn't that feel better?!
A better shot of the genius organization.
A bonus shot of my cat. I love when she sleeps on the back of the couch. Sometimes it looks like she's melting off the couch. Hilarious!
The Almighty Liz
I love the pics on the website. So cute! And beautiful!
My favorite thing is when I get something organized, as opposed to clean. If I could, I would organize all day, but inevitably, I would have to clean sometime ;)
Erik's clothes are hung up in the basement in a similar fashion since we live in an old house with only two tiny closets in the whole house.
I love all your projects!!! Get that cozy little guest corner ready for me. I'll be coming to town soon. :)
it's ready whenever you are, sugar! bring that sweetness to my house anytime! :D
ps i will blog again soon, lots of stuff going on in my little world right now. ;)
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