Monday, March 22, 2010


Hopefully, at 3:00 pm today, our buyers will be signing papers!!! We didn't close like we were supposed to last Friday because yet more important papers were not turned in on time, but I just checked with my realtor and she says so far everything's a go!! Pray, and pray hard people!!!
The Almighty Liz
*Update--so far, it's 4:30 pm and I have heard nothing, which is a good sign. Although, I may crack under the pressure before too much longer, and call my realtor to see what's goin' down. *goes back to pacing incessantly*


Renae said...

My fingers, my eyes, my legs, my arms, and my toes are all crossed, and just for good measure I'm flipping my tongue upside down (yeah, I got skills.) Hip Hip HURRAY!!

timpani76 said...

I refuse to flip my tongue, but we will still keep you guys in our prayers!