But like I said, the kids are having a blast playing in it, and John is perfectly willing to be the man and go play with them, leaving me to be the mommy who stays inside where it's warm and serves hot cocoa when everyone comes in. It's a role I do well.
Jonni didn't have school for Tuesday or Wednesday, and you won't believe it, but she was mad. She really likes school, and hates it when she can't go, so she was particularly surly and difficult the past couple of days. Add in a brother who has learned to push big sister's buttons, and who decided to take it upon himself to make her as angry as he could possibly manage, and I was hugely relieved that school was back on today. Even with the factor that I had to get up early. Yes, even with that I am super happy to get that girl out of the house, lol!
In other news, my poor Erik is sick, of the intestinal kind. I have gone through more diapers since yesterday than I have in the past month. I kid you not. I had to ask a friend to go on an emergency run for more, because I was about to run out! Poor, poor Erik. He's not having much fun with this. Neither am I, come to think of it. I'm a little sick as well, which is why you won't see me on SVELTE for a bit. Just a fever, and no other symptoms, so maybe this one won't last long. I will be so very, very glad when flu season is over. It is seriously interrupting my recovery processes.
Other than that, life goes on pretty much as normal. We have not heard anything about the Peoria house (for those of you who don't know, we are sporting two mortgages since we moved, and we have an interested party for the first time in eight months who is trying to get approved for a loan so they can bid on said house. Prayers would be appreciated!), but we might be getting rid of our faulty car next week. If we get rid of the house, needless to say, getting a new car will be a cakewalk. Here's hoping today is the day we get some great news!! If we don't get any great news, then I will just settle for having an almost perfect life. ;)
The Almighty Liz
P.S. For your viewing pleasure, I have included some pics of the snow. Also, a picture of Jonni in her brand-new glasses. Enjoy!