We haven't really been up to much around here. It's flu season and it seems we have something or other every week. This puts a damper on our social agenda, but we soldier on.
Had my dad up a couple of weeks ago, and we put in some new lighting. We are going to do some other things as well, but don't feel it is wise to blab about it to the World Wide Web.
Had a big ice storm last night, and everything is slick as snot today. It took John quite awhile to break his car out of the garage, so he was late to work. So was everyone else, so it wasn't a big deal. Jonni is having a snow day, and the kids are uber squirrely and driving me nuts, but I can't send 'em outside, it's too cold, so what're ya gonna do? Throw 'em in bed for naps early, and hope they sleep until their daddy gets home to play with them, of course! (I'm a bit under the weather, and so have no energy for cool and creative snow day activities.)
John had a Christmas party at work that I attended last Friday. I got to see where he works and meet all of his fellow employees as well as some of the company big wigs. The cool thing was that I couldn't tell the big shots from the peons. Everyone was so nice!! We also got a year end bonus, our first ever! I tell ya, I really like this company.
We finally got our Christmas tree on Saturday, and I think it's my favorite so far. It's huge, and I think the best smelling tree we've ever had! The whole house smells like a pine forest, it's great!
So, on to some pics, and I hope everyone's having a merry Christmas so far!
The Almighty Liz

I love the tree, and your kids are soooo cute!
when you scroll fast past the flood light picture, it looks like the brain from pinky and the brain.
Great pics of Erik! It seems like Jonni loves the camera, but this time Erik really was hamming it up.
Snow/sick day for Vance. He was running a fever so we would have kept him home anyway, but they also called off school.
Both kids are in bed now too, but I would be kidding myself if I thought I was lucky enough for them both to sleep until Erik bear gets home!
yeah, i made it an hour and a half. *sigh* they were better about playing quietly though, after naptime.
yes, i know they're cute! and you have no idea how many pics of erik i had to get to get some good ones timpani! and no, i didn't know that about the floodlight renae. you weirdo.
you cant see the lights on your tree because the flash from your cam washes them out. i left to go get donuts for the kids this morning and it took a bit to make it drivable. when i left i had a hole in the ice about a foot around directly in front of my face
I'll bet your UPS brother is grateful for your sympathy.
nnoooo!! erik is growing too fast!! tell him to stop, or he'll be in biiiig trouble!
I like the star - cardboard and aluminum foil? How did you stick it on? And of course - gorgeous kids. I can't wait til Daniel and Jonni grow up and get married. It's time we got some good-lookin' people in this family! ;)
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