I hope everyone has a great Christmas! Try to take the time out sometime in the next couple of days to remember what the day is all about. Then forget it and get down to some serious present opening! (totally kidding there)
The Almighty Liz
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bits of This and That
Well, do to a supremely stupid computer, I haven't been able to post. So, some updates are in order, and as an extra special treat, I even have pictures! Your welcome.
We haven't really been up to much around here. It's flu season and it seems we have something or other every week. This puts a damper on our social agenda, but we soldier on.
Had my dad up a couple of weeks ago, and we put in some new lighting. We are going to do some other things as well, but don't feel it is wise to blab about it to the World Wide Web.
Had a big ice storm last night, and everything is slick as snot today. It took John quite awhile to break his car out of the garage, so he was late to work. So was everyone else, so it wasn't a big deal. Jonni is having a snow day, and the kids are uber squirrely and driving me nuts, but I can't send 'em outside, it's too cold, so what're ya gonna do? Throw 'em in bed for naps early, and hope they sleep until their daddy gets home to play with them, of course! (I'm a bit under the weather, and so have no energy for cool and creative snow day activities.)
John had a Christmas party at work that I attended last Friday. I got to see where he works and meet all of his fellow employees as well as some of the company big wigs. The cool thing was that I couldn't tell the big shots from the peons. Everyone was so nice!! We also got a year end bonus, our first ever! I tell ya, I really like this company.
We finally got our Christmas tree on Saturday, and I think it's my favorite so far. It's huge, and I think the best smelling tree we've ever had! The whole house smells like a pine forest, it's great!
So, on to some pics, and I hope everyone's having a merry Christmas so far!
The Almighty Liz
Some random shots of the kids because I think they're adorable, and it's been way too long since I posted any pics of them.

Our new handy-dandy floodlight. It's way bright. Look out intruders! You could play basketball out there! If our driveway weren't so crappy, that is.
This is our cat, Cloud. I don't think I've ever posted any pictures of her before. Isn't she gorgeous? We sure do love her.
We haven't really been up to much around here. It's flu season and it seems we have something or other every week. This puts a damper on our social agenda, but we soldier on.
Had my dad up a couple of weeks ago, and we put in some new lighting. We are going to do some other things as well, but don't feel it is wise to blab about it to the World Wide Web.
Had a big ice storm last night, and everything is slick as snot today. It took John quite awhile to break his car out of the garage, so he was late to work. So was everyone else, so it wasn't a big deal. Jonni is having a snow day, and the kids are uber squirrely and driving me nuts, but I can't send 'em outside, it's too cold, so what're ya gonna do? Throw 'em in bed for naps early, and hope they sleep until their daddy gets home to play with them, of course! (I'm a bit under the weather, and so have no energy for cool and creative snow day activities.)
John had a Christmas party at work that I attended last Friday. I got to see where he works and meet all of his fellow employees as well as some of the company big wigs. The cool thing was that I couldn't tell the big shots from the peons. Everyone was so nice!! We also got a year end bonus, our first ever! I tell ya, I really like this company.
We finally got our Christmas tree on Saturday, and I think it's my favorite so far. It's huge, and I think the best smelling tree we've ever had! The whole house smells like a pine forest, it's great!
So, on to some pics, and I hope everyone's having a merry Christmas so far!
The Almighty Liz

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Drumroll Please...
Well, I had a Doctor's appointment today, and there is some good news and some not so good but not exactly bad news either. Which means there IS no bad news, yay!
Good news:
I'm off the penicillin!! Hip, Hip, Hooray!! I'm so sick of taking that stuff, (seven months now!!) and I seriously don't think my digestive tract will ever be the same.
My doctor is super happy with my obedience. He says that my recovery wouldn't have been nearly so quick if I hadn't been doing so good with my diet and exercise and everything he tells me to do. To which I riposted (of course), "That was a fast recovery?!" He replied that he was full on expecting to be treating me for at least a year, because I had had the R. Fever for four months. Yikes!! Perhaps I should learn a little more patience especially because of the not so good news:
It will be another year before my endurance and resistance to disease is back to "normal". Which means that for a good bit more I will be sleeping a lot still, and getting tired easy, and getting whatever illness decides I look tasty. And that is if I keep at the exercise full throttle like I have been. (although that is just my life now. I will never be able to slack off in that area again. Period.)
I also had to get a flu shot, as did my son, and my husband and daughter have to get one ASAP as well. This is in part because Erik is three and in the "danger" group, but mostly because I'm horribly susceptible right now (as I will always be, but right now is just worse), and the next couple of months it is critical that I don't become super-duper sick. My arm is sore. *sigh*
But, all in all, I'm happy with this news. As soon as I started working out, I knew this was going to be a long, hard slog, and so how depressed can I get that I was right? Not very. And getting off the #$^% meds is a HUGE plus. I simply cannot complain about anything since I got that.
In other news, it was also Erik's three year check-up, and *shocker!* he's perfect. No complaints, and no problems. Hoorah!
The Almighty Liz
Good news:
I'm off the penicillin!! Hip, Hip, Hooray!! I'm so sick of taking that stuff, (seven months now!!) and I seriously don't think my digestive tract will ever be the same.
My doctor is super happy with my obedience. He says that my recovery wouldn't have been nearly so quick if I hadn't been doing so good with my diet and exercise and everything he tells me to do. To which I riposted (of course), "That was a fast recovery?!" He replied that he was full on expecting to be treating me for at least a year, because I had had the R. Fever for four months. Yikes!! Perhaps I should learn a little more patience especially because of the not so good news:
It will be another year before my endurance and resistance to disease is back to "normal". Which means that for a good bit more I will be sleeping a lot still, and getting tired easy, and getting whatever illness decides I look tasty. And that is if I keep at the exercise full throttle like I have been. (although that is just my life now. I will never be able to slack off in that area again. Period.)
I also had to get a flu shot, as did my son, and my husband and daughter have to get one ASAP as well. This is in part because Erik is three and in the "danger" group, but mostly because I'm horribly susceptible right now (as I will always be, but right now is just worse), and the next couple of months it is critical that I don't become super-duper sick. My arm is sore. *sigh*
But, all in all, I'm happy with this news. As soon as I started working out, I knew this was going to be a long, hard slog, and so how depressed can I get that I was right? Not very. And getting off the #$^% meds is a HUGE plus. I simply cannot complain about anything since I got that.
In other news, it was also Erik's three year check-up, and *shocker!* he's perfect. No complaints, and no problems. Hoorah!
The Almighty Liz
Monday, December 1, 2008
A Very Exciting Thanksgiving Indeed
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was...eventful, lol! It started off normal enough for us. Having both sides of the family close, we do two Thanksgiving dinners every year. The only real difference this year was that Jonni decided to be sick, and missed out on both dinners, poor thing. After being stuffed silly, me and the kids headed home, leaving John in Illinois with our recently sort-of repaired car, to hang out with his brothers on Black Friday. I got home with two sleeping children, hauled them inside and into bed, called John to let him know we made it safely home, put some things away in the kitchen and went to lock the door. Why is that significant, you ask? Because somebody else grabbed the doorknob on the other side!! I quickly put my shoulder to the door and slid the deadbolt home, just as that somebody else put their shoulder to the door and tried to bust in!!! Luckily, I got the bolt shot, and I called John. (yes yes, I know, it should have been cops first! it's just a knee-jerk reaction for me) I called them from our cell while John stayed on the landline, and they got there about a minute later. (we live in a very very small town) They didn't find anything or anyone, much to everyone's relief, and John came home after all.
We decided to spend the night at Bruce and Renae's the next night. John still wanted to hang out with his siblings, and I had a hair appointment with my mom on Saturday, so we deemed this a good compromise and I didn't have to spend the night alone in my house. *shudder* Also, my dad is coming this Saturday to install a LOT more light in the front of my house with motion detectors in front and back. I haven't ruled out an alarm system yet either. We'll see.
John and his brothers and sisters went out on Friday night to ogle the crazy people at the malls, whilst Bruce and I manned the fort at home, and kept the kids from burning the place down. We watched a truly stupid movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth, (don't waste your money or time on it), and got the kids in bed just as John and Renae got back. We then watched Get Smart, which was the funniest movie I've seen in awhile.
The next day, while Renae and Bruce were at a race (Renae participating, Bruce volunteering), I got my hair done. I got my blue streaks!! I've wanted to do them forever, and I finally talked my mom into it! (thanks mom!) I totally love it, as do my son, Todd and Suzanne, and maybe Renae and Bruce. (and can't remember their reactions.) Jonni keeps asking me why I had to go and color my hair with a crayon, and John quite simply abhors it. He hasn't been able to look at me without disgust since it was done. It's getting on my nerves. It's already fading though (after only three days!! I'm totally bummed) so that should make him happy. (mean-hearted *grumble-grumble*)
We went home that night and everyone except Jonni woke up sick on Sunday. We're still sick and miserable. I hate flu season!!
So that's about it. Oh! Along with the pics of my hair below, I put the one and only good shot I got of Erik on his birthday. My batteries ran out before we even got to the cake! Also, my mother-in-law recently reupholstered my couch, so I threw in some before and after shots of that. Enjoy!
The Almighty Liz
We decided to spend the night at Bruce and Renae's the next night. John still wanted to hang out with his siblings, and I had a hair appointment with my mom on Saturday, so we deemed this a good compromise and I didn't have to spend the night alone in my house. *shudder* Also, my dad is coming this Saturday to install a LOT more light in the front of my house with motion detectors in front and back. I haven't ruled out an alarm system yet either. We'll see.
John and his brothers and sisters went out on Friday night to ogle the crazy people at the malls, whilst Bruce and I manned the fort at home, and kept the kids from burning the place down. We watched a truly stupid movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth, (don't waste your money or time on it), and got the kids in bed just as John and Renae got back. We then watched Get Smart, which was the funniest movie I've seen in awhile.
The next day, while Renae and Bruce were at a race (Renae participating, Bruce volunteering), I got my hair done. I got my blue streaks!! I've wanted to do them forever, and I finally talked my mom into it! (thanks mom!) I totally love it, as do my son, Todd and Suzanne, and maybe Renae and Bruce. (and can't remember their reactions.) Jonni keeps asking me why I had to go and color my hair with a crayon, and John quite simply abhors it. He hasn't been able to look at me without disgust since it was done. It's getting on my nerves. It's already fading though (after only three days!! I'm totally bummed) so that should make him happy. (mean-hearted *grumble-grumble*)
We went home that night and everyone except Jonni woke up sick on Sunday. We're still sick and miserable. I hate flu season!!
So that's about it. Oh! Along with the pics of my hair below, I put the one and only good shot I got of Erik on his birthday. My batteries ran out before we even got to the cake! Also, my mother-in-law recently reupholstered my couch, so I threw in some before and after shots of that. Enjoy!
The Almighty Liz
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