So, the first reason I haven't posted in a hundred years is that I got sick. I've been well for a week and a half now, so the second reason I haven't posted is last week we had some friends stay with us for three days. It was way fun to have them, and we stayed busy busy busy!! So I spent the next few days recovering, lol! We went to the zoo, the St. Louis Mills Mall, a park....tons of things! They wanted the whole St. Louis experience, and they wanted it in three days!! Needless to say, we did our best, but they are coming for a second visit in July. ;)
Okay, so that wasn't that long of a post after all. On to the pics!!
Okay, these first few are from the first day at the park. It was St. Patrick's day, and we spent 2 hours trying to get to the Zoo, and gave up. There was some sort of race, and all the streets around the Zoo were closed off. But we found this really cool park by total accident!
Erik of course found the dinosaur almost immediately. He loooooves dinosaurs!
This teeter totter thing was a ton of fun. I'm afraid Tiffany and I hogged it quite a bit. When we got off, a stampede of little kids took it over.